My personal page


Welcome to my personal website! I am Dr. Vincenzo De Maio from Vienna University of Technology. Here you will find information about myself and my research and dissemination activities.

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Dr. Vincenzo De Maio
Favoritenstrasse 9-11/194-04, Wien, 1040
Office: Room HB 05 04
Phone: +43 1 58801 188737
Mail: vincenzo [at] ec [dot] tuwien [dot] ac [dot] at


Following my idol’s Leonardo Da Vinci example, when I am not working on my research and teachings I like to keep my mind and body busy with different hobbies and activities. In this page, you will find information about my passions outside research.


I like all animals, but I consider myself a cat person. Here you can see my cat, Behemoth, trying to imitate the Schrödinger’s cat.



I dance tango argentino since 2014 and it is one of my main passions. If I am travelling around the world, it is very easy to find me checking out the local milonga(s). Here you can find some of my favourite pictures, taken in different tango events I attended.

RossoAOvest Tango Marathon
Royal Budapest Tango Marathon
Lodz Tango Festival

Table Tennis

As a teenager, I played in the italian D2 championship of table tennis for the team of my hometown, the TT Caserta (today ASD Tennistavolo San Nicola - Caserta), earning a promotion in the italian D1 championship with my team. After a long break, from 2014 to 2015 I played in the Tiroler Gebietsliga for the Turnerschaft-Sparkasse Innsbruck Tischtennis. Since 2021, I play for the TTK Naturfreunde Stadlau, in the 3. Gruppe of WTTV Championship. More data about my score can be found here.


I like a lot to read in my free time, even if I do not always have a chance to stop and enjoy a good book. Here are some of my favourite books:


I am learning spanish guitar and enjoy playing guitar when I am in the right mood. Among my favourite guitar players you can find Paco De Lucia, Vicente Amigo, Marco Sfogli, Buckethead and Yngwie Malmsteen. I also like to listen to music when I work, ranging from classical music, metal, hard rock, pop rock.


Walking is the closest thing to meditation, for me. When I get the chance, I like to go for long trekking trips, such as the Camino de Santiago and the via Francigena. If you are around my hometown, I can strongly recommend the Sentiero degli dei (literally “The path of the gods”), a breathtaking hike in the Amalfi Coast on the path that connects Bomerano to Positano.


I support the italian no-profit Informatici Senza Frontiere by giving free classes to immigrants and students in need. If you also want to support this project, click here.