Welcome to my personal website! I am Dr. Vincenzo De Maio from Vienna University of Technology. Here you will find information about myself and my research and dissemination activities.
Dr. Vincenzo De MaioHello! I am Vincenzo De Maio, Ph.D. from the HPC research group of TU Wien, Institute of Information Systems Engineering. My supervisor is prof. Ivona Brandic.
My research lies at the intersection between quantum computing and high-performance computing, with the ultimate goal of harnessing potential of quantum computers to address the increasing demands of future scientific applications. I am also interested in resource allocation for Cloud-Edge Computing, IoT infrastructures and Blockchain technologies.
If you want to know more about me, check out my short Biography. My publication list, with links to my Scholar, DBLP, and ORCID profile can be found here.
My talk on integration of Quantum and Cloud computing, that I presented during the 2nd Eisenstadt Cloud Day on 1st of February 2025, is now available on YouTube! Feel free to check it out here.
Our newest paper “Exploring Channel Distinguishability in Local Neighborhoods of the Model Space in Quantum Neural Networks”, co-authored with Sabrina Herbst, Sandeep Suresh Cranganore, and Ivona Brandic, has been accepted to ICLR 2025.
The paper “Paving the way to hybrid quantum–classical scientific workflows”, co-authored with Sandeep Suresh Cranganore, Ivona Brandic, and Ewa Deelman, published on the September 2024 issue of Future Generation Computer Systems, has been selected as an Editor’s Choice Paper.
The paper “On Optimizing Hyperparameters for Quantum Neural Networks”, co-authored with Sabrina Herbst and Ivona Brandic (TU Wien) has been accepted for publication in the conference IEEE QCE 2024.
The paper “RIGOLETTO: A Workflow Definition Language for Hybrid Quantum-Classical Scientific Applications”, co-authored with Dominik Bork and Ivona Brandic, was accepted for publication at IEEE CBI 2024.
The paper “Paving the Way to Hybrid Quantum-Classical Scientific Workflows”, co-authored with Sandeep Suresh Cranganore (Forschungszentrum Jülich), Ivona Brandic (TU Wien) and Ewa Deelman (University of Southern California) has been accepted for publication in the Elsevier journal “Future Generation Computer Systems”. Thanks to the reviewers for their valuable comments and all the co-authors for their work.
The paper “Training Computer Scientists for the Challenges of Hybrid Quantum-Classical Computing”, co-authored with Meerzhan Kanatbekova, Felix Zilk, Nicolai Friis, Tobias Guggemos and Ivona Brandic, has been accepted for publication as full paper in the educational track of The 24th IEEE/ACM international Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing, CCGRID 2024, that will be held in Philadelphia, USA, May 6-9 2024. Thanks to the scientific commitee of the conference and all the co-authors for making this possible.
The page about my lecture on Hybrid Classical Quantum Systems, for the Software Engineering curriculum of Vienna University of Technology, Winter semester 2023/2024, is available here.
I added a new “Teaching” section to the website, where I briefly describe all the lectures I have given in the course of my academic career. Feel free to check it out here.
Welcome to the new version of my personal website! I decided to migrate from wordpress to Jekyll and to github personal pages. Here you can find some information about Jekyll: Jekyll docs